Health Benefits Management

MedData’s BeneMed is a health insurance benefits monitoring and analysis package that is designed to assist large enterprises in managing the relationship between their Human Resources department and their employees and the health insurance benefits provider used to provide health, dental, and disability benefits to the enterprise

BeneMed Core Capabilities


  • Profile Benefits Program

    Evaluate carrier performance using accurate and objective measurements. Measure cost effectiveness carrier premium programs. Evaluate and improve the size and mix of your provider network. Compare plan performance to external standards or those developed to suit your needs

  • Statistical Quality Analysis

    Comprehensive statistical quality analyses provides employer HR groups with access-to-service and quality-of-service information. Use drill down and trending features to reveal the problems behind the statistics. Manage the impact of changes in plan enrollment and stability

  • Reduce IS Costs

    Reduce costs by implementing new rules and processing efficiencies whenever they are needed without any involvement from your programming staff or claims system vendor

  • Enhance Operational Quality

    Process provider management issues in an accurate, timely, and consistent manner, achieve administrative simplification, and streamlines claims decision making with fewer stops along the way, lower suspense rates, and delivering a comprehensive audit trail to document each decision

Advanced Capabilities

Sophisticated Decision Tools

BeneMed is designed to provide the most sophisticated and insightful data-decision support tools and software to enterprises contracting medical coverage for their employees. Recognizing the complex nature of the provision of medical insurance services, MedData designs and creates its analytic products by uniquely organizing data to define and clarify for maximum insight. The result is a transformation of data to actionable information which is logically understood by clinicians as well as administrators.

Customized Contracts

Increasingly, in order to achieve cost-effective insurance benefits programs, enterprise HR departments must work with carriers to go beyond the simple tailoring of “one-size-fits-all” contracts and benefits packages. However, customized contracts generate more rules for HR departments to remember, more exceptions for them to apply, and more special conditions to slow down processing increasing costs, mistakes and quality concerns.

Advanced Technologies

BeneMed uses a broad range of advanced technologies, multiple platforms, and “best-of-breed” components to deliver robust data warehousing and decision support products, process automation software, and analytical systems that increase productivity and bottom-line results.

BeneMed Features

Efficient Automation

Available in a SaaS-based or on-premise client/server based implementations, BeneMed’s products manage data efficiently, automate many processes, and assure operational integrity. BeneMed meshes data warehouses and analytical systems, adding value by quickly returning information to meet your most critical operation requirements

Health Service Quantification

A health insurance benefits classification system that identifies discretely occurring episodes of care has long been at the center of analytical demand for those enterprise HR professionals responsible for the funding, analysis and contracting of health insurance services.

Power of Information

Information is the key to survival and success in today’s changing marketplace. BeneMed unlocks the power of information in a way that is unlike anything you’ve seen, bought or built, empowering your entire organization to make better and faster clinical and financial decisions. BeneMed is the only benefits decision support solution to meet the data complexity, performance and volume demands of large organizations

Quick and Powerful

BeneMed eliminates the need for IS professionals to respond to decision support information processing requests by offering end users easy-to-use tools, powerful, built-in data management capabilities, and the ability to perform meaningful, ad-hoc analyses “on the fly.”

Comprehensive Solution

BeneMed is a comprehensive data warehouse, analytic engine, and suite of applications, providing superior data analysis capabilities for the information needs of medical benefits management, premium optimization analysis, employee, best practices, training, provider networks, financial management, employer reporting, and marketing decision makers

Case Mix Adjustment

As part of its extensive feature set, BeneMed includes a case mix adjustment and episode building system that uses routinely collected claims data as input. The resulting clinically homogeneous groups adjust for severity by the presence of complicating conditions, comorbidities and other characteristics of employee claims requests that affect resource utilization